

About CADumais

who I am

Who is Christian A. Dumais?

My work has been featured in various publications like Time, Rolling Stone, and Huffington Post, and mentioned on NPR, Comedy Central, and MTV.


I have written sketch comedy, journalism, comic strips, comic books, short stories, books, academic articles, content creator, and more.

I’m best known for creating Twitter’s @DrunkHulk, an internet and pop culture sensation that accumulated nearly 200,000 followers.

Stand-up Comedian

I have been a staple in the English stand-up comedy scene in Poland for over a decade. I have toured with two one-hour specials (HERE’S THE THING! and THIS ISN’T SERIOUS) which delighted sold-out audiences in Wroclaw, Poznan, Warsaw, and Krakow.



I wear a lot of hats, I know. But whether I am professionally editing the work of my clients or writing my own books or making people laugh on stage, it’s all the same job to me – telling great stories!

Check out some of my books below. And explore the rest of this website. Thanks!

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Linda Holmes


"People get paid a LOT of money to write comedy who are not one tenth as funny as [Christian A. Dumais]."